Well, here it is the decoder source.
It takes as an input a JPG file and decodes it into a truecolor BMP.

Opposite to the encoder, it's not so optimized or clear as I wanted.
But since I received a lot of emails asking for it, here it is.

It is written long ago and since then I was quite busy learning other stuff
and I haven't modified it as it should [Huffman decoder probably can be made
better and IDCT (the most consuming CPU part) -- should be done faster],
so don't expect a super fast decoder [though it's speed seems reasonable].
Few comments are in romanian.
Some ideas have been taken from Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software.
(IDCT routine is taken with minor modifications)

It compiles under WATCOM C (still my favourite compiler) 10.0 for DOS, and
VISUAL C 5.0 (if you turn on optimizations in VC 5.0, make sure that the option
"assume aliasing across function calls" it's turned on for the "jpegdec.c" module).
I haven't tested it under other compilers.

I don't know when I'll have the time to make it better, but in the meantime,
I'd like to hear from you if you make it more clear and/or faster.

You are free to modify it as you want, but it would be nice to say somewhere
that you used ideas from these routines.


So, use it at your own risk.
It's status: freeware.

Author email:




#ifndef __JPEGDEC_H__
#define __JPEGDEC_H__

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define BYTE unsigned char
#define WORD unsigned short int

#define DWORD unsigned int
#define SDWORD signed int

#define SBYTE signed char
#define SWORD signed short int

int load_JPEG_header(FILE *fp, DWORD *X_image, DWORD *Y_image);
void decode_JPEG_image();
int get_JPEG_buffer(WORD X_image,WORD Y_image, BYTE **address_dest_buffer);



#include "jpegdec.h"
#include <conio.h>
#include <time.h>
char *FileName="image.jpg";
extern char error_string[90];

typedef struct s_BM_header {
     WORD BMP_id ; // 'B''M'
     DWORD size; // size in bytes of the BMP file
     DWORD zero_res; // 0
     DWORD offbits; // 54
     DWORD biSize; // 0x28
     DWORD Width;  // X
     DWORD Height;  // Y
     WORD  biPlanes; // 1
     WORD  biBitCount ; // 24
     DWORD biCompression; // 0 = BI_RGB
     DWORD biSizeImage; // 0
     DWORD biXPelsPerMeter; // 0xB40
     DWORD biYPelsPerMeter; // 0xB40
     DWORD biClrUsed; //0
     DWORD biClrImportant; //0
} BM_header;
typedef struct s_RGB {
    BYTE B;
       BYTE G;
       BYTE R;
} RGB;

void exitmessage(char *message)

void write_buf_to_BMP(BYTE *im_buffer, WORD X_bitmap, WORD Y_bitmap, char *BMPname)
 SWORD x,y;
 RGB *pixel;
 BM_header BH;
 FILE *fp_bitmap;
 DWORD im_loc_bytes;
 BYTE nr_fillingbytes, i;
 BYTE zero_byte=0;

 if (fp_bitmap==NULL) exitmessage("File cannot be created");

 if (X_bitmap%4!=0) nr_fillingbytes=4-((X_bitmap*3L)%4);
  else nr_fillingbytes=0;

 BH.BMP_id = 'M'*256+'B';     fwrite(&BH.BMP_id,2,1,fp_bitmap);
 BH.zero_res = 0;             fwrite(&BH.zero_res,4,1,fp_bitmap);
 BH.offbits = 54;             fwrite(&BH.offbits,4,1,fp_bitmap);
 BH.biSize = 0x28;            fwrite(&BH.biSize,4,1,fp_bitmap);
 BH.Width = X_bitmap;       fwrite(&BH.Width,4,1,fp_bitmap);
 BH.Height = Y_bitmap;       fwrite(&BH.Height,4,1,fp_bitmap);
 BH.biPlanes = 1;             fwrite(&BH.biPlanes,2,1,fp_bitmap);
 BH.biBitCount = 24;          fwrite(&BH.biBitCount,2,1,fp_bitmap);
 BH.biCompression = 0;        fwrite(&BH.biCompression,4,1,fp_bitmap);
 BH.biSizeImage = 0;          fwrite(&BH.biSizeImage,4,1,fp_bitmap);
 BH.biXPelsPerMeter = 0xB40;  fwrite(&BH.biXPelsPerMeter,4,1,fp_bitmap);
 BH.biYPelsPerMeter = 0xB40;  fwrite(&BH.biYPelsPerMeter,4,1,fp_bitmap);
 BH.biClrUsed = 0;           fwrite(&BH.biClrUsed,4,1,fp_bitmap);
 BH.biClrImportant = 0;       fwrite(&BH.biClrImportant,4,1,fp_bitmap);

 printf("Writing bitmap ...\n");

 for (y=0;y<Y_bitmap;y++)
   for (x=0;x<X_bitmap;x++)
  pixel=(RGB *)im_loc_bytes;
  fwrite(pixel, 3, 1, fp_bitmap);
   for (i=0;i<nr_fillingbytes;i++)

void main(int argc, char *argv[])
 FILE *fp;
 DWORD X_image, Y_image;
 BYTE *our_image_buffer;
 clock_t start_time, finish_time;
 float duration;

 if (argc<=1) fp=fopen(FileName,"rb");
  else fp=fopen(argv[1],"rb");
 if (fp==NULL) exitmessage("File not found ?");
 if (!load_JPEG_header(fp,&X_image,&Y_image)) {exitmessage(error_string);return;}

 printf(" X_image = %d\n",X_image);
 printf(" Y_image = %d\n",Y_image);

 printf("Sampling factors: \n");
 printf("Y  : H=%d,V=%d\n", YH,YV);
 printf("Cb : H=%d,V=%d\n", CbH,CbV);
 printf("Cr : H=%d,V=%d\n", CrH,CrV);
 printf("Restart markers  = %d\n", Restart_markers);
 printf("MCU restart = %d\n", MCU_restart);

 printf("Decoding JPEG image...\n");
 // main decoder
 start_time = clock();
 printf("Decoding finished.\n");
 finish_time = clock();
 duration = (double)(finish_time - start_time) / CLK_TCK;
 printf( "Time elapsed: %2.1f seconds\n", duration );

 if (!get_JPEG_buffer(X_image,Y_image,&our_image_buffer)) {exitmessage(error_string);return;}

 write_buf_to_BMP(our_image_buffer,X_image,Y_image, "image.bmp");


// JPEG decoder module
// Copyright 1999 Cristi Cuturicu

#include "jpegdec.h"
// Used markers:
#define SOI 0xD8
#define EOI 0xD9
#define APP0 0xE0
#define SOF 0xC0
#define DQT 0xDB
#define DHT 0xC4
#define SOS 0xDA
#define DRI 0xDD
#define COM 0xFE

char error_string[90];
#define exit_func(err) { strcpy(error_string, err); return 0;}

static BYTE *buf; // the buffer we use for storing the entire JPG file

static BYTE bp; //current byte
static WORD wp; //current word

static DWORD byte_pos; // current byte position
#define BYTE_p(i) bp=buf[(i)++]
#define WORD_p(i) wp=(((WORD)(buf[(i)]))<<8) + buf[(i)+1]; (i)+=2

// WORD X_image_size,Y_image_size; // X,Y sizes of the image
static WORD X_round,Y_round; // The dimensions rounded to multiple of Hmax*8 (X_round)
     // and Ymax*8 (Y_round)

static BYTE *im_buffer; // RGBA image buffer
static DWORD X_image_bytes; // size in bytes of 1 line of the image = X_round * 4
static DWORD y_inc_value ; // 32*X_round; // used by decode_MCU_1x2,2x1,2x2

BYTE YH,YV,CbH,CbV,CrH,CrV; // sampling factors (horizontal and vertical) for Y,Cb,Cr
static WORD Hmax,Vmax;

static BYTE zigzag[64]={ 0, 1, 5, 6,14,15,27,28,
      2, 4, 7,13,16,26,29,42,
      3, 8,12,17,25,30,41,43,
     35,36,48,49,57,58,62,63 };
typedef struct {
   BYTE Length[17];  // k =1-16 ; L[k] indicates the number of Huffman codes of length k
   WORD minor_code[17];  // indicates the value of the smallest Huffman code of length k
   WORD major_code[17];  // similar, but the highest code
   BYTE V[65536];  // V[k][j] = Value associated to the j-th Huffman code of length k
 // High nibble = nr of previous 0 coefficients
 // Low nibble = size (in bits) of the coefficient which will be taken from the data stream
} Huffman_table;

static float *QT[4]; // quantization tables, no more than 4 quantization tables (QT[0..3])
static Huffman_table HTDC[4]; //DC huffman tables , no more than 4 (0..3)
static Huffman_table HTAC[4]; //AC huffman tables                  (0..3)

static BYTE YQ_nr,CbQ_nr,CrQ_nr; // quantization table number for Y, Cb, Cr
static BYTE YDC_nr,CbDC_nr,CrDC_nr; // DC Huffman table number for Y,Cb, Cr
static BYTE YAC_nr,CbAC_nr,CrAC_nr; // AC Huffman table number for Y,Cb, Cr

static BYTE Restart_markers; // if 1 => Restart markers on , 0 => no restart markers
static WORD MCU_restart; //Restart markers appears every MCU_restart MCU blocks
typedef void (*decode_MCU_func)(DWORD);

static SWORD DCY, DCCb, DCCr; // Coeficientii DC pentru Y,Cb,Cr
static SWORD DCT_coeff[64]; // Current DCT_coefficients
static BYTE Y[64],Cb[64],Cr[64]; // Y, Cb, Cr of the current 8x8 block for the 1x1 case
static BYTE Y_1[64],Y_2[64],Y_3[64],Y_4[64];
static BYTE tab_1[64],tab_2[64],tab_3[64],tab_4[64]; // tabelele de supraesantionare pt cele 4 blocuri

static SWORD Cr_tab[256],Cb_tab[256]; // Precalculated Cr, Cb tables
static SWORD Cr_Cb_green_tab[65536];

// Initial conditions:
// byte_pos = start position in the Huffman coded segment
// WORD_get(w1); WORD_get(w2);wordval=w1;

static BYTE d_k=0;  // Bit displacement in memory, relative to the offset of w1
    // it's always <16
static WORD w1,w2; // w1 = First word in memory; w2 = Second word
static DWORD wordval ; // the actual used value in Huffman decoding.
static DWORD mask[17];
static SWORD neg_pow2[17]={0,-1,-3,-7,-15,-31,-63,-127,-255,-511,-1023,-2047,-4095,-8191,-16383,-32767};
static DWORD start_neg_pow2=(DWORD)neg_pow2;

static int shift_temp;
#define RIGHT_SHIFT(x,shft)  \
 ((shift_temp = (x)) < 0 ? \
  (shift_temp >> (shft)) | ((~(0L)) << (32-(shft))) : \
  (shift_temp >> (shft)))
#define DESCALE(x,n)  RIGHT_SHIFT((x) + (1L << ((n)-1)), n)
#define RANGE_MASK 1023L
static BYTE *rlimit_table;
void prepare_range_limit_table()
/* Allocate and fill in the sample_range_limit table */
  int j;
  rlimit_table = (BYTE *)malloc(5 * 256L + 128) ;
  /* First segment of "simple" table: limit[x] = 0 for x < 0 */
  memset((void *)rlimit_table,0,256);
  rlimit_table += 256; /* allow negative subscripts of simple table */
  /* Main part of "simple" table: limit[x] = x */
  for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) rlimit_table[j] = j;
  /* End of simple table, rest of first half of post-IDCT table */
  for (j = 256; j < 640; j++) rlimit_table[j] = 255;
  /* Second half of post-IDCT table */
  memset((void *)(rlimit_table + 640),0,384);
  for (j = 0; j < 128 ; j++) rlimit_table[j+1024] = j;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
WORD lookKbits(BYTE k)
 _asm {
  mov dl, k
  mov cl, 16
  sub cl, dl
  mov eax, [wordval]
  shr eax, cl

WORD WORD_hi_lo(BYTE byte_high,BYTE byte_low)
 _asm {
    mov ah,byte_high
    mov al,byte_low
SWORD get_svalue(BYTE k)
// k>0 always
// Takes k bits out of the BIT stream (wordval), and makes them a signed value
 _asm {
     xor ecx, ecx
     mov cl,k
     mov eax,[wordval]
     shl eax,cl
     shr eax, 16
     dec cl
     bt eax,ecx
     jc end_macro
 signed_value:inc cl
     mov ebx,[start_neg_pow2]
     add ax,word ptr [ebx+ecx*2]

#ifdef __WATCOMC__

WORD lookKbits(BYTE k);
#pragma aux lookKbits=\
       "mov eax,[wordval]"\
       "mov cl, 16"\
       "sub cl, dl"\
       "shr eax, cl"\
        parm [dl] \
        value [ax] \
        modify [eax cl];
WORD WORD_hi_lo(BYTE byte_high,BYTE BYTE_low);
#pragma aux WORD_hi_lo=\
      parm [ah] [al]\
      value [ax] \
      modify [ax];

SWORD get_svalue(BYTE k);
// k>0 always
// Takes k bits out of the BIT stream (wordval), and makes them a signed value
#pragma aux get_svalue=\
   "xor ecx, ecx"\
   "mov cl, al"\
   "mov eax,[wordval]"\
   "shl eax, cl"\
   "shr eax, 16"\
   "dec cl"\
   "bt eax,ecx"\
   "jc end_macro"\
   "signed_value:inc cl"\
   "mov ebx,[start_neg_pow2]"\
   "add ax,word ptr [ebx+ecx*2]"\
   parm [al]\
   modify [eax ebx ecx]\
   value [ax];

void skipKbits(BYTE k)
 BYTE b_high,b_low;
 if (d_k>=16) { d_k-=16;
  // Get the next word in w2
  if (bp!=0xFF) b_high=bp;
  else {
     if (buf[byte_pos]==0) byte_pos++; //skip 00
     else byte_pos--; // stop byte_pos pe restart marker
  if (bp!=0xFF) b_low=bp;
  else {
     if (buf[byte_pos]==0) byte_pos++; //skip 00
     else byte_pos--; // stop byte_pos pe restart marker

 wordval = ((DWORD)(w1)<<16) + w2;
 wordval <<= d_k;
 wordval >>= 16;

SWORD getKbits(BYTE k)
 SWORD signed_wordvalue;
 return signed_wordvalue;

void calculate_mask()
  BYTE k;
  DWORD tmpdv;
  for (k=0;k<=16;k++) { tmpdv=0x10000;mask[k]=(tmpdv>>k)-1;} //precalculated bit mask

void init_QT()
 BYTE i;
 for (i=0;i<=3;i++) QT[i]=(float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*64);

void load_quant_table(float *quant_table)
 float scalefactor[8]={1.0f, 1.387039845f, 1.306562965f, 1.175875602f,
        1.0f, 0.785694958f, 0.541196100f, 0.275899379f};
 BYTE j,row,col;
// Load quantization coefficients from JPG file, scale them for DCT and reorder
// from zig-zag order
 for (j=0;j<=63;j++) quant_table[j]=buf[byte_pos+zigzag[j]];
 for (row=0;row<=7;row++)
   for (col=0;col<=7;col++) {

void load_Huffman_table(Huffman_table *HT)
  BYTE k,j;
  DWORD code;

  for (j=1;j<=16;j++) {
  for (k=1;k<=16;k++)
 for (j=0;j<HT->Length[k];j++) {

  for (k=1;k<=16;k++) {
  HT->minor_code[k] = (WORD)code;
  for (j=1;j<=HT->Length[k];j++) code++;
  if (HT->Length[k]==0) {

void process_Huffman_data_unit(BYTE DC_nr, BYTE AC_nr,SWORD *previous_DC)
// Process one data unit. A data unit = 64 DCT coefficients
// Data is decompressed by Huffman decoding, then the array is dezigzag-ed
// The result is a 64 DCT coefficients array: DCT_coeff
   BYTE nr,k,j,EOB_found;
   register WORD tmp_Hcode;
   BYTE size_val,count_0;
   WORD *min_code,*maj_code; // min_code[k]=minimum code of length k, maj_code[k]=similar but maximum
   WORD *max_val, *min_val;
   BYTE *huff_values;
   SWORD DCT_tcoeff[64];
   BYTE byte_temp;

// Start Huffman decoding
// First the DC coefficient decoding

   for (nr = 0; nr < 64 ; nr++) DCT_tcoeff[nr] = 0; //Initialize DCT_tcoeff

   nr=0;// DC coefficient

   min_val = &min_code[1]; max_val = &maj_code[1];
   for (k=1;k<=16;k++) {
//    max_val = &maj_code[k]; min_val = &min_code[k];
  if ( (tmp_Hcode<=*max_val)&&(tmp_Hcode>=*min_val) ) { //Found a valid Huffman code
  if (size_val==0) DCT_tcoeff[0]=*previous_DC;
  else {
  min_val++; max_val++;

// Second, AC coefficient decoding

   nr=1; // AC coefficient
   while ( (nr<=63)&&(!EOB_found) )
  max_val = &maj_code[1]; min_val =&min_code[1];
  for (k=1;k<=16;k++)
//    max_val = &maj_code[k]; &min_val = min_code[k];
    if ( (tmp_Hcode<=*max_val)&&(tmp_Hcode>=*min_val) )
  if (size_val==0) {if (count_0==0) EOB_found=1;
        else if (count_0==0xF) nr+=16; //skip 16 zeroes
   nr+=count_0; //skip count_0 zeroes
    min_val++; max_val++;
  if (k>16) nr++;  // This should not occur
  for (j=0;j<=63;j++) DCT_coeff[j]=DCT_tcoeff[zigzag[j]]; // Et, voila ... DCT_coeff

void IDCT_transform(SWORD *incoeff,BYTE *outcoeff,BYTE Q_nr)
// Fast float IDCT transform
 BYTE x;
 SWORD *inptr;
 BYTE *outptr;
 float workspace[64];
 float *wsptr;//Workspace pointer
 float *quantptr; // Quantization table pointer
 float dcval;
 float tmp0,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp5,tmp6,tmp7;
 float tmp10,tmp11,tmp12,tmp13;
 float z5,z10,z11,z12,z13;
 BYTE *range_limit=rlimit_table+128;
 // Pass 1: process COLUMNS from input and store into work array.
 for (y=0;y<=7;y++)
   if( (inptr[8]|inptr[16]|inptr[24]|inptr[32]|inptr[40]|inptr[48]|inptr[56])==0)
  // AC terms all zero (in a column)
  wsptr[0]  = dcval;
  wsptr[8]  = dcval;
  wsptr[16] = dcval;
  wsptr[24] = dcval;
  wsptr[32] = dcval;
  wsptr[40] = dcval;
  wsptr[48] = dcval;
  wsptr[56] = dcval;
  inptr++;quantptr++;wsptr++;//advance pointers to next column
  continue ;
  //Even part
 tmp0 = inptr[0] *quantptr[0];
 tmp1 = inptr[16]*quantptr[16];
 tmp2 = inptr[32]*quantptr[32];
 tmp3 = inptr[48]*quantptr[48];

 tmp10 = tmp0 + tmp2;// phase 3
 tmp11 = tmp0 - tmp2;

 tmp13 = tmp1 + tmp3;// phases 5-3
 tmp12 = (tmp1 - tmp3) * 1.414213562f - tmp13; // 2*c4

 tmp0 = tmp10 + tmp13;// phase 2
 tmp3 = tmp10 - tmp13;
 tmp1 = tmp11 + tmp12;
 tmp2 = tmp11 - tmp12;

 // Odd part
 tmp4 = inptr[8] *quantptr[8];
 tmp5 = inptr[24]*quantptr[24];
 tmp6 = inptr[40]*quantptr[40];
 tmp7 = inptr[56]*quantptr[56];

 z13 = tmp6 + tmp5;// phase 6
 z10 = tmp6 - tmp5;
 z11 = tmp4 + tmp7;
 z12 = tmp4 - tmp7;

 tmp7 = z11 + z13;// phase 5
 tmp11= (z11 - z13) * 1.414213562f; // 2*c4

 z5 = (z10 + z12) * 1.847759065f; // 2*c2
 tmp10 = 1.082392200f * z12 - z5; // 2*(c2-c6)
 tmp12 = -2.613125930f * z10 + z5;// -2*(c2+c6)

 tmp6 = tmp12 - tmp7;// phase 2
 tmp5 = tmp11 - tmp6;
 tmp4 = tmp10 + tmp5;

 wsptr[0]  = tmp0 + tmp7;
 wsptr[56] = tmp0 - tmp7;
 wsptr[8]  = tmp1 + tmp6;
 wsptr[48] = tmp1 - tmp6;
 wsptr[16] = tmp2 + tmp5;
 wsptr[40] = tmp2 - tmp5;
 wsptr[32] = tmp3 + tmp4;
 wsptr[24] = tmp3 - tmp4;
 wsptr++;//advance pointers to the next column

//  Pass 2: process ROWS from work array, store into output array.
// Note that we must descale the results by a factor of 8 = 2^3
 for (x=0;x<=7;x++)
   // Even part
 tmp10 = wsptr[0] + wsptr[4];
 tmp11 = wsptr[0] - wsptr[4];

 tmp13 = wsptr[2] + wsptr[6];
 tmp12 =(wsptr[2] - wsptr[6]) * 1.414213562f - tmp13;

 tmp0 = tmp10 + tmp13;
 tmp3 = tmp10 - tmp13;
 tmp1 = tmp11 + tmp12;
 tmp2 = tmp11 - tmp12;

   // Odd part
 z13 = wsptr[5] + wsptr[3];
 z10 = wsptr[5] - wsptr[3];
 z11 = wsptr[1] + wsptr[7];
 z12 = wsptr[1] - wsptr[7];

 tmp7 = z11 + z13;
 tmp11= (z11 - z13) * 1.414213562f;

 z5 = (z10 + z12) * 1.847759065f; // 2*c2
 tmp10 = 1.082392200f * z12 - z5;  // 2*(c2-c6)
 tmp12 = -2.613125930f * z10 + z5; // -2*(c2+c6)

 tmp6 = tmp12 - tmp7;
 tmp5 = tmp11 - tmp6;
 tmp4 = tmp10 + tmp5;

 // Final output stage: scale down by a factor of 8
 outptr[0] = range_limit[(DESCALE((int) (tmp0 + tmp7), 3)) & 1023L];
 outptr[7] = range_limit[(DESCALE((int) (tmp0 - tmp7), 3)) & 1023L];
 outptr[1] = range_limit[(DESCALE((int) (tmp1 + tmp6), 3)) & 1023L];
 outptr[6] = range_limit[(DESCALE((int) (tmp1 - tmp6), 3)) & 1023L];
 outptr[2] = range_limit[(DESCALE((int) (tmp2 + tmp5), 3)) & 1023L];
 outptr[5] = range_limit[(DESCALE((int) (tmp2 - tmp5), 3)) & 1023L];
 outptr[4] = range_limit[(DESCALE((int) (tmp3 + tmp4), 3)) & 1023L];
 outptr[3] = range_limit[(DESCALE((int) (tmp3 - tmp4), 3)) & 1023L];

 wsptr+=8;//advance pointer to the next row

void precalculate_Cr_Cb_tables()
 WORD k;
 WORD Cr_v,Cb_v;
 for (k=0;k<=255;k++) Cr_tab[k]=(SWORD)((k-128.0)*1.402);
 for (k=0;k<=255;k++) Cb_tab[k]=(SWORD)((k-128.0)*1.772);

 for (Cr_v=0;Cr_v<=255;Cr_v++)
  for (Cb_v=0;Cb_v<=255;Cb_v++)


void convert_8x8_YCbCr_to_RGB(BYTE *Y, BYTE *Cb, BYTE *Cr, DWORD im_loc, DWORD X_image_bytes, BYTE *im_buffer)
// Functia (ca optimizare) poate fi apelata si fara parametrii Y,Cb,Cr
// Stim ca va fi apelata doar in cazul 1x1
  DWORD x,y;
  BYTE im_nr;
  BYTE *Y_val = Y, *Cb_val = Cb, *Cr_val = Cr;
  BYTE *ibuffer = im_buffer + im_loc;

  for (y=0;y<8;y++)
 for (x=0;x<8;x++)
    ibuffer[im_nr++] = rlimit_table[*Y_val + Cb_tab[*Cb_val]]; //B
    ibuffer[im_nr++] = rlimit_table[*Y_val + Cr_Cb_green_tab[WORD_hi_lo(*Cr_val,*Cb_val)]]; //G
    ibuffer[im_nr++] = rlimit_table[*Y_val + Cr_tab[*Cr_val]]; // R
// Monochrome display
    im_buffer[im_nr++] = *Y_val;
    im_buffer[im_nr++] = *Y_val;
    im_buffer[im_nr++] = *Y_val;
    Y_val++; Cb_val++; Cr_val++; im_nr++;

void convert_8x8_YCbCr_to_RGB_tab(BYTE *Y, BYTE *Cb, BYTE *Cr, BYTE *tab, DWORD im_loc, DWORD X_image_bytes, BYTE *im_buffer)
// Functia (ca optimizare) poate fi apelata si fara parametrii Cb,Cr
  DWORD x,y;
  BYTE nr, im_nr;
  BYTE Y_val,Cb_val,Cr_val;
  BYTE *ibuffer = im_buffer + im_loc;

  for (y=0;y<8;y++)
 for (x=0;x<8;x++)
    Cb_val=Cb[tab[nr]]; Cr_val=Cr[tab[nr]]; // reindexare folosind tabelul
    // de supraesantionare precalculat
    ibuffer[im_nr++] = rlimit_table[Y_val + Cb_tab[Cb_val]]; //B
    ibuffer[im_nr++] = rlimit_table[Y_val + Cr_Cb_green_tab[WORD_hi_lo(Cr_val,Cb_val)]]; //G
    ibuffer[im_nr++] = rlimit_table[Y_val + Cr_tab[Cr_val]]; // R
    nr++; im_nr++;

void calculate_tabs()
 BYTE tab_temp[256];
 BYTE x,y;

 // Tabelul de supraesantionare 16x16
 for (y=0;y<16;y++)
  for (x=0;x<16;x++)
    tab_temp[y*16+x] = (y/YV)* 8 + x/YH;

 // Din el derivam tabelele corespunzatoare celor 4 blocuri de 8x8 pixeli
 for (y=0;y<8;y++)
  for (x=0;x<8;x++)
  for (x=8;x<16;x++)
 for (y=8;y<16;y++)
  for (x=0;x<8;x++)
  for (x=8;x<16;x++)

int init_JPG_decoding()
 return 1; //for future error check

DWORD filesize(FILE *fp)
 DWORD pos;
 DWORD pos_cur;
 return pos;

int load_JPEG_header(FILE *fp, DWORD *X_image, DWORD *Y_image)
 DWORD length_of_file;
 BYTE vers,units;
 WORD Xdensity,Ydensity,Xthumbnail,Ythumbnail;
 WORD length;
 float *qtable;
 DWORD old_byte_pos;
 Huffman_table *htable;
 BYTE precision,comp_id,nr_components;
 BYTE QT_info,HT_info;
 BYTE SOS_found,SOF_found;

 buf=(BYTE *)malloc(length_of_file+4);
 if (buf==NULL) exit_func("Not enough memory for loading file");

 if ((buf[0]!=0xFF)||(buf[1]!=SOI)) exit_func("Not a JPG file ?\n");
 if ((buf[2]!=0xFF)||(buf[3]!=APP0)) exit_func("Invalid JPG file.");
 if ( (buf[6]!='J')||(buf[7]!='F')||(buf[8]!='I')||(buf[9]!='F')||
   (buf[10]!=0) ) exit_func("Invalid JPG file.");


 if (vers!=1) exit_func("JFIF version not supported");
 BYTE_p(byte_pos); // vers_lo=bp;
 BYTE_p(byte_pos);  units=bp;
 if (units!=0) //exit_func("JPG format not supported");
 ;// printf("units = %d\n", units);
 WORD_p(byte_pos); Xdensity=wp; WORD_p(byte_pos); Ydensity=wp;
 if ((Xdensity!=1)||(Ydensity!=1)) //exit_func("JPG format not supported");
  ;  //{printf("X density = %d\n",Xdensity); printf("Y density = %d\n",Ydensity);}
 if ((Xthumbnail!=0)||(Ythumbnail!=0))
 exit_func(" Cannot process JFIF thumbnailed files\n");
 // Start decoding process
 SOS_found=0; SOF_found=0; Restart_markers=0;
 while ((byte_pos<length_of_file)&&!SOS_found)
  if (bp!=0xFF) continue;
  // A marker was found
   case DQT: WORD_p(byte_pos); length=wp; // length of the DQT marker
    for (j=0;j<wp-2;)
     BYTE_p(byte_pos); QT_info=bp;
     if ((QT_info>>4)!=0)
     exit_func("16 bit quantization table not supported");
   case DHT: WORD_p(byte_pos); length=wp;
    for (j=0;j<wp-2;)
     BYTE_p(byte_pos); HT_info=bp;
     if ((HT_info&0x10)!=0) htable=&HTAC[HT_info&0xF];
     else htable=&HTDC[HT_info&0xF];
   case COM: WORD_p(byte_pos); length=wp;
   case DRI: Restart_markers=1;
    WORD_p(byte_pos); length=wp; //should be = 4
    WORD_p(byte_pos);  MCU_restart=wp;
    if (MCU_restart==0) Restart_markers=0;
   case SOF: WORD_p(byte_pos); length=wp; //should be = 8+3*3=17
    BYTE_p(byte_pos); precision=bp;
    if (precision!=8) exit_func("Only 8 bit precision supported");
    WORD_p(byte_pos); *Y_image=wp; WORD_p(byte_pos); *X_image=wp;
    BYTE_p(byte_pos); nr_components=bp;
    if (nr_components!=3) exit_func("Only truecolor JPGS supported");
    for (j=1;j<=3;j++)
     BYTE_p(byte_pos); comp_id=bp;
     if ((comp_id==0)||(comp_id>3)) exit_func("Only YCbCr format supported");
     switch (comp_id)
      case 1: // Y
       BYTE_p(byte_pos); YH=bp>>4;YV=bp&0xF;
       BYTE_p(byte_pos); YQ_nr=bp;
      case 2: // Cb
       BYTE_p(byte_pos); CbH=bp>>4;CbV=bp&0xF;
       BYTE_p(byte_pos); CbQ_nr=bp;
      case 3: // Cr
       BYTE_p(byte_pos); CrH=bp>>4;CrV=bp&0xF;
       BYTE_p(byte_pos); CrQ_nr=bp;
   case SOS: WORD_p(byte_pos); length=wp; //should be = 6+3*2=12
   BYTE_p(byte_pos); nr_components=bp;
   if (nr_components!=3) exit_func("Invalid SOS marker");
   for (j=1;j<=3;j++)
   BYTE_p(byte_pos); comp_id=bp;
   if ((comp_id==0)||(comp_id>3)) exit_func("Only YCbCr format supported");
   switch (comp_id)
    case 1: // Y
     BYTE_p(byte_pos); YDC_nr=bp>>4;YAC_nr=bp&0xF;
    case 2: // Cb
     BYTE_p(byte_pos); CbDC_nr=bp>>4;CbAC_nr=bp&0xF;
    case 3: // Cr
     BYTE_p(byte_pos); CrDC_nr=bp>>4;CrAC_nr=bp&0xF;
   BYTE_p(byte_pos); BYTE_p(byte_pos); BYTE_p(byte_pos); // Skip 3 bytes
   case 0xFF:
   break; // do nothing for 0xFFFF, sequence of consecutive 0xFF are for
   // filling purposes and should be ignored
   default:  WORD_p(byte_pos); length=wp;
   byte_pos+=wp-2; //skip unknown marker
 if (!SOS_found) exit_func("Invalid JPG file. No SOS marker found.");
 if (!SOF_found) exit_func("Progressive JPEGs not supported");

 if ((CbH>YH)||(CrH>YH)) exit_func("Vertical sampling factor for Y should be >= sampling factor for Cb,Cr");
 if ((CbV>YV)||(CrV>YV)) exit_func("Horizontal sampling factor for Y should be >= sampling factor for Cb,Cr");

 if ((CbH>=2)||(CbV>=2)) exit_func("Cb sampling factors should be = 1");
 if ((CrV>=2)||(CrV>=2)) exit_func("Cr sampling factors should be = 1");

// Restricting sampling factors for Y,Cb,Cr should give us 4 possible cases for sampling factors
// YHxYV,CbHxCbV,CrHxCrV: 2x2,1x1,1x1;  1x2,1x1,1x1; 2x1,1x1,1x1;
// and 1x1,1x1,1x1 = no upsampling needed

 if ( *X_image%(Hmax*8)==0) X_round=*X_image; // X_round = Multiple of Hmax*8
 else X_round=(*X_image/(Hmax*8)+1)*(Hmax*8);
 if ( *Y_image%(Vmax*8)==0) Y_round=*Y_image; // Y_round = Multiple of Vmax*8
 else Y_round=(*Y_image/(Vmax*8)+1)*(Vmax*8);

 im_buffer=(BYTE *)malloc(X_round*Y_round*4);
 if (im_buffer==NULL) exit_func("Not enough memory for storing the JPEG image");

 return 1;

void resync()
// byte_pos  = pozitionat pe restart marker
 if (bp==0xFF) byte_pos++; // skip 00
 w1=WORD_hi_lo(bp, 0);
 if (bp==0xFF) byte_pos++; // skip 00
 if (bp==0xFF) byte_pos++; // skip 00
 w2=WORD_hi_lo(bp, 0);
 if (bp==0xFF) byte_pos++; // skip 00
 wordval=w1; d_k=0; // Reinit bitstream decoding
 DCY=0; DCCb=0; DCCr=0; // Init DC coefficients

void decode_MCU_1x1(DWORD im_loc)
 // Y
 // Cb
 // Cr

void decode_MCU_2x1(DWORD im_loc)
 // Y
 // Cb
 // Cr


void decode_MCU_2x2(DWORD im_loc)
 // Y
 // Cb
 // Cr


void decode_MCU_1x2(DWORD im_loc)
 // Y
 // Cb
 // Cr


void decode_JPEG_image()
 decode_MCU_func decode_MCU;

 WORD x_mcu_cnt,y_mcu_cnt;
 DWORD nr_mcu;
 WORD X_MCU_nr,Y_MCU_nr; // Nr de MCU-uri
 DWORD MCU_dim_x; //dimensiunea in bufferul imagine a unui MCU pe axa x
 DWORD im_loc_inc; // = 7 * X_round * 4 sau 15*X_round*4;
 DWORD im_loc; //locatia in bufferul imagine


 y_inc_value = 32*X_round;
 calculate_tabs(); // Calcul tabele de supraesantionare, tinand cont de YH si YV

 if ((YH==1)&&(YV==1)) decode_MCU=decode_MCU_1x1;
 else {
    if (YH==2)
  if (YV==2) decode_MCU=decode_MCU_2x2;
  else decode_MCU=decode_MCU_2x1;
    else decode_MCU=decode_MCU_1x2;

 Y_MCU_nr=Y_round/(Vmax*8); // nr of MCUs on Y axis
 X_MCU_nr=X_round/(Hmax*8); // nr of MCUs on X axis

 X_image_bytes=X_round*4; im_loc_inc = (Vmax*8-1) * X_image_bytes;
 nr_mcu=0; im_loc=0; // memory location of the current MCU
 for (y_mcu_cnt=0;y_mcu_cnt<Y_MCU_nr;y_mcu_cnt++)
  for (x_mcu_cnt=0;x_mcu_cnt<X_MCU_nr;x_mcu_cnt++)
 if ((Restart_markers)&&((nr_mcu+1)%MCU_restart==0)) resync();

int get_JPEG_buffer(WORD X_image,WORD Y_image, BYTE **address_dest_buffer)
 WORD y;
 DWORD dest_loc=0;
 BYTE *src_buffer=im_buffer;
 BYTE *dest_buffer_start, *dest_buffer;

 DWORD src_bytes_per_line=X_round*4;
 DWORD dest_bytes_per_line=X_image*4;

 if ((X_round==X_image)&&(Y_round==Y_image))
  dest_buffer_start = (BYTE *)malloc(X_image*Y_image*4);
  if (dest_buffer_start==NULL) exit_func("Not enough memory for storing the JPEG image");
  dest_buffer = dest_buffer_start;
  for (y=0;y<Y_image;y++) {
// release the buffer which contains the JPG file
 return 1;


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